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Sconto 15% Stampe Fine Art - Codice NEW_WEBSITE
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Today the "world ... has become, for many practical aspects, a city" (Lewis Mumford, The city in history) ... "dealing with the city, therefore, is a way of dedicating oneself to the enigmas of the world and of our existence" (Lea Vergine, The city and the imaginary).
Globalization is changing the world. The "post-industrial metropolis" is also changing. Complex phenomena of territorial reconversion are leading us towards the postmetropolis of the 21st century, still to be defined and discovered.
The images of the work identify common signs and traces, otherwise invisible. In very distant cities, identical plots and identical contradictions emerge, as if what is covering the surface of the world were a single, indefinite metropolis.

Postmetropolis is a container that collects some collections of images on the contemporary city.
The word "Postmetropolis" is taken from the book by Edward W. Soja, Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions.
The question I asked myself when I started this work is how globalization has changed our world making it more and more standardized in both negative and positive aspects.
The main field of analysis that I have chosen are megalopolises where the contradictions and similarities are more evident and sensational. The same phenomena and the same situations are present in medium-sized cities even if in a less extreme and radical way, confirming, in fact, the phenomena in progress.

Looking Around - Look around: a logo, a phrase, a word can highlight contradictions and paradoxes rather than complex analyzes. This is the fil rouge that links the images of this collection…